The design consultancy for Development of KTN and FLN NDA, First Phase under Agreement No. CE 13/2014 (CE) (the First Phase Assignment) was commissioned by CEDD in November 2014, to carry out detailed design and site investigation of the First Phase Works (i.e. the site formation and engineering infrastructure works for the First Phase Development).

The detailed design and site investigation of the Remaining Phase Works are carried out under 4 design consultancy agreements namely:

  • Agreement No. CE 18/2019 (CE) - "Development of Fanling North New Development Area, Remaining Phase – Design and Construction"
  • Agreement No. CE 19/2019 (CE) - "Development of Kwu Tung North New Development Area, Remaining Phase – Design and Construction"
  • Agreement No. CE 20/2019 (HY) - "Improvement of Tai Tau Leng Roundabout and Fanling Highway (Kwu Tung Section) - Design and Construction"
  • Agreement No. CE 21/2019 (WS) - "Fresh Water and Flushing Water Service Reservoirs and Associated Works in Fanling North – Design and Construction"

These consultancy agreements commenced progressively from end December 2019 to July 2020 for target completion of works in 2031.